• Buying a New Washing Machine? Why You Should Get It Delivered

    Are you planning on buying a washing machine? You can have the unit delivered right to your home with an appliance delivery or courier service. Even if you have a vehicle and a few people who can help you get your appliance to your door, there are many reasons to consider having the unit delivered to your premises instead. Delivery is best; here are just a few reasons why. 1. You don't have to take time out of your day for transport [Read More]

  • What To Try When Your Dryer Doesn't Get Hot Enough To Dry Your Clothes

    When your dryer doesn't get hot enough to dry your clothes quickly, the time it takes to do your laundry can slow to a crawl. If you live in an apartment or condo, you may not be able to hang clothes out in the sun, so your only choice may be to go to a laundromat, which is inconvenient. Here are things to try when your dryer doesn't get hot. [Read More]

  • Dishwasher Not Cleaning Properly? Repair Tips To Help

    If your dishwasher isn't working properly, it could leave you with dirty dishes. This means you're going to have to wash them by hand, which defeats the purpose of the dishwasher. Now you've wasted time and money on water and the energy it took to run a useless dishwasher. If you've found yourself in this situation, don't go replacing your dishwasher just yet; it may just need a quick repair. Read on for a few repair tips to help you. [Read More]

  • Is It Worth Fixing A Microwave?

    A microwave is not an appliance we expect to be fixing on a regular basis. This means that when they breakdown, you'll have to ask yourself whether fixing it makes more sense than replacing it. Like any other appliance, microwaves can be fixed. Depending on how it was manufactured and the conditions under which it operates, you may not even have to wait that long before it breaks down. However, certain factors often make it seem like repairing a microwave isn't a sound decision financially. [Read More]

  • The 3 Primary Tactics To Use To Diagnose A Washing Machine Leak

    More than 660 millionloads of laundry are done by consumers every week, which shows just how much the average household relies on their home washing machine. Just as the case with most water-related appliances, washing machines can develop leaks, and these leaks can be a huge worry. One of the best ways to make sure you are able to get your washing machine repaired quickly is to figure out where the water is coming from. [Read More]

  • 4 AC Repairs And Renovations That Make Your Home Energy-Efficient

    Old AC systems eventually need repairs, and you may be considering improvements. When doing repairs and renovations to your old AC, there are some solutions that can help you save energy, such as encapsulating a crawlspace, upgrading ductwork, and installing a more energy-efficient AC unit. Here are some of the repairs and renovations for an AC system that will be more energy-efficient: 1. Encapsulating and Insulation Improvements to Reduce Energy Loss [Read More]

  • Need Your Appliances Fixed? What You Need To Know

    When your appliances break down, you don't have to throw them away. Instead, you can have your appliances repaired. Appliance repair companies can fix more than just your fridge or your oven. Many refrigerator repair companies can also fix smaller appliances, such as your toaster, your garbage disposal, or even your dishwasher. #1. Find a Local Appliance Repair Company There are numerous individuals who can fix your appliances. Pull out your phone book and look up the number for an appliance repair company, or search online. [Read More]

  • Keeping Your Kitchen As Fresh As Possible

    So you finally have the kitchen of your dreams, and you want to be in it all the time. Or, you're looking for ways to make your existing kitchen a little homier. There's nothing more appealing to cook in than a kitchen that is extremely fresh and clean. Here are some ways to keep your kitchen in shape.  Have a Good Organization System It's time to get organized! Get colored food labels that let you know the date something should be thrown out by. [Read More]

  • Need A New Fridge In Your RV? Here's What You Need To Know

    An RV is a home for the road, oftentimes having everyday amenities that you would find right in your stationery home, such as a refrigerator. While most RVers will get years of use out of the fridge that comes with their unit when it is purchased, just like any home appliance, the RV fridge does have a limited lifespan, so you may eventually be faced with needing a replacement. If the fridge in your RV is ready for removal, you are bound to have some questions. [Read More]

  • 3 Reasons To Install A New HVAC Unit In Your Rental Property

    As a landlord, you might try to cut costs on maintaining your rental property as much as you can. If this is the case, then you might not have thought about buying a new HVAC unit for the property that you rent out. Even though you might be hesitant to shell out this much cash at once, you should know that it can be wise to do so. These are a few reasons to consider it. [Read More]